Recent Updates #3 and New Project

Hey guys!

Long time no see after the Chinese New Year vacation, I along with my teammates, came home with a 2nd place in the NSL RC Racing competition, there was a few moments that left our hearts pounding, but eventually we got a 2nd place, which is very impressive to me seeing how we all collaborated together. I went to a few different places before and after the race, of which cities are all in China of course (Chongqing, Fuzhou, Xiamen (Competition place)) it all came out to be pretty fun, In Chongqing, I Had a delicious meal of authentic Chongqing hotpot (Not very spicy for a person from Sichuan like me lol, from my POV I would give it a 6.5/10 spicy rating but if you are a foreigner, watch out! it’s bound to be the spicest thing you’ve ever had), In Xiamen, I went to several beaches (BaiCheng Beach, HuangCuo Beach and much more views, all of which were amazing! They had a incomparable view of the sea, which I definitely couldn’t see in Beijing). In Fuzhou, I went to the infamous San Fang Qi Xiang (three squares and seven lanes) and visited various artists, poets, and author’s former residences. So anyways, this trip was a total blast for me! :33333

Ok and now with the updates… I have not worked on anything in the vacation, but after the vacation, which is now (oh and sry for writing a post this late) I joined a Maker’s Club and decided to build a Geeker tablet powered by the Raspberry Pi 4B that has multiple Functions, I used “The world’s smallest keyboard” as the keyboard and trackpad (yes you did not look at the wrong sentence, it does indeed have a small trackpad), 3000+3000=6000mah battery for long hacking processes (lol jk it’s mainly just for the battery life to be longer because I want it to do more things instead of just die in 1hr without charging), ports for extending, and at last Kali Linux for E F F I C I E N C Y and Security! I am working on this project as of now and prepare to finish it before May 2024, so check out my new updates!

That’s about it for this update and I’ll see you (404 undefined)!