An update on recent things that happened

We meet again!
It has been 8 months and if you are being stricter, a whole new year since I have posted a new blog, I almost completely forgot about it until now in 2024, schoolwork and things are fine, Maths are hard as always, and I don’t play games that much (btw cs2 fps and ping sucks on my gtx960 and gunk-filled pc), semester 1 in 8th grade has not ended for me or others just yet, we’ll just have to wait another 3 weeks and then it will be Chinese New Year of 2024 (Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac). At this time of the year we get to relax, travel to places and mostly, enjoy our time with our own families. I have a STEM RC Car Competition coming up on Feb 6th in Xiamen, after that is my birthday! (Feb. 23 After the Break)

For programming projects (Check out all of them on my Github), I have been working on two new things, one of them is YAUMSI (Yet Another Universal Minecraft Server Installer) because I wanted people to create new minecraft servers at home more easily instead of finding online hosting services which are pretty expensive (if you are rich please skip this entire part, Thanks! :3), and SafeSphereX, which is basically an Antivirus for mac (does not really detect viruses tbh), or an prank detector that detects most of the pranks your friends sends you, we have this guy at our school (Not going to say who cause of privacy reasons) that sends applescript prank bundles that either plays funny songs and changes your background, or opens a rickroll, he even invented this thing where he fakes an application as a pdf file that crashes your computer… so yeah, people are getting tired of this.

I guess that’s all for today (or perhaps this week).
See you around, Friend!