ezC!te Version 2.0 is out ! - Sorry for being so late...

Hello Readers!
Smart People (You Probably) have realized that I have released ezcite 2.0! (*but its like released on march… so sorry for being so late), or realized that the ezcite isn’t in my repos! That’s because I moved it to my organization! (The Interstellar Progeammers). Anyways, if you see that, then congrats! you are officially a huge fan of ezcite!

The Download Link (DMG FILE! ONLY FOR MAC RN) is here in case you can’t find it

Download Link For Font File “Ubuntu” (Please download for best experience!)

Download Link For Font File “StarJedi” (Optional)

P.S. The reason ezCite has no new versions is because me, as a ‘professional ‘ programmer, forgot to sync all of my files (Wow Leo why u so dumb… eh?), and my school computer broke down… so yeah, my data is fine but the technicians are fixing it.